Potential Reason to Choose PRK Instead of LASIK

PRK Surgery to Treat Your Cogan’s Dystrophy It’s hard enough as it is to wake up in the morning. Now add to that the possibility of waking up feeling like you have a small rock in your eye, accompanied by excessive tearing, light sensitivity, and blurry vision. Your eye was fine when you went to bed…

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Can LASIK Correct Astigmatism?

Treat Your Astigmatism with LASIK Do you have astigmatism? Have you tried glasses or contacts to correct your vision but are tired of the hassle? Then LASIK surgery could be the remedy you have been looking for to restore your vision to 20/20. Astigmatism is not a sign that your eyes are unhealthy; it is…

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Am I a Candidate for LASIK?

Are You a LASIK Candidate? Have you been thinking about having LASIK surgery and wondering if it’s right for you?  LASIK can correct severe degrees of nearsightedness and even moderate levels of both farsightedness and astigmatism, but it is not for everyone. Before undergoing LASIK there are a few items to consider in determining if…

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What is the Best Age for LASIK Surgery?

How Old Are You For LASIK Procedure? People with poor vision often wonder if there is a particular age for LASIK surgery that is better than other ages. LASIK eye surgery is an increasingly popular procedure, delivering almost miraculous results in vision restoration, but there are ages that fall outside the range that doctors consider…

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Special LASIK Test for Candidates

LASIK Special Self-Test There are special LASIK tests to determine candidates for LASIK. In order to know who is a candidate for LASIK surgery, LASIK eye surgeons perform a variety of LASIK eye tests. Find out more about Dallas LASIK here:

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Before LASIK: The Pre-Operative Exam

You may have a lot of questions to ask before LASIK eye surgery. That’s why your pre-operative exam is a critical part of your LASIK experience. Learn more about Dallas LASIK in this video.

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Allergies and Your Eye Health

How to Treat Eye Allergies Allergies and eye infections can be troublesome, particularly in the spring. Pollen can be the culprit in both cases, and pollen is at its peak from May to July, so relief from itchy, watery eyes may not be in sight any time soon. Dr. Gary Tylock, a Dallas LASIK surgeon,…

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LASIK Results: How Much Improvement Should I Expect?

What to Expect After your LASIK? Refractive surgery has become commonplace, and with a good surgeon, LASIK results should be easily predictable. An experienced surgeon should be able to give you information not only about the procedure, risks, and recovery but also about how much improvement you should expect. Here, Dallas LASIK surgeon, Dr. Gary…

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LASIK and Military Service

LASIK for US Troops LASIK and military service would seem to be a good fit, as military personnel is required to endure rigorous circumstances that make glasses and contacts inconvenient, at best. Each branch of the service has slightly different policies on laser eye procedures, but almost every service member can receive laser eye surgery…

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