The WaveLight® EX500 Excimer Laser is the cutting edge of LASIK and PRK surgery technology. This innovative and FDA approved laser decreases procedure times with its 500 Hz speed, delivering the world’s shortest treatment times. For comparison sake, the previous model ran at 400 Hz.
f one wants to know how and why the EX 500 Excimer laser is an improvement over prior laser platforms it may be best to outline the characteristics of an ideal Excimer Laser used in vision correction procedures. In addition, this Excimer Laser offers an automatic eye tracking system, tracking eye movement with more than twice the speed of previous models. It bumps the speed from 400 times per second to an impressive 1050 times per second.
Precision and safety are two key features with this new laser. The significant improvement in the eye tracking system allows the EX500 Excimer laser to monitor a patient’s eye movements throughout the procedure, and ensures the laser treatment is applied as planned. The standard, high-resolution video system gives your surgeon a clear view of the surgical field.
Some of the notable features of the WaveLight® EX500 Excimer Laser include:
- Integrated heads-up display
- Projector with LED light source
- High-resolution video system
- Built-in, non-contact, online pachymetry
- Sealed beam path
- Onboard nitrogen generator